CT meditates: a comedy (31). Gratefulness to my reader(s) [hi mom!], and happy new year


A new year!

Instead of briefly held resolutions, think back over the last 30 days. We’re ahead of everyone else. Take your new 30 day habit of meditation, focus, presence and have a great year. We know that 30 days of repeated behavior is a powerful initiation of a new sustained habit (see the book: Power of Habit).

I’m hopeful, instead that in the past 30 days, you have found ONE THING (see book) that you can latch onto as a consistent practice for presence and focus. Anything else you achieved is a bonus.

Remember: those coming on the journey: 3 minutes of meditation every day! I’m holding both of us accountable to this important habit!

CMIO’s take? Whew! We made it. Thanks for coming on this journey with me. Thank you for being my reader(s) [hi Mom!] I’m going back to weekly postings.

Author: CT Lin

CMIO, UCHealth (Colorado); Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine

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